The Novel sensation Corona virus epidemic has had a very big collision on the Nepali labor market. Because of the pandemic not only the domestic job market has been affected, but also the whole world got into a crisis in the terms of unemployment, health crisis, poverty, and business downturn. Pandemic has disrupted export and import mechanisms, business operations,and closed or halted the function of small and medium enterprises.

According to a survey conducted by Nepal Rastra Bank, it is found that after the four months ofthe lockdown the pandemic enforced 61 percent of businesses to shut down completely, which has a dreadful impact on the national economy and job market.

In the time of the first four months of nationwide lockdown, Nepali job organizations and businesses started to lay off salaried workers, cut down payments and additional benefits. Which has led to massive unemployment and economic crisis in the country. The slam of the coronavirus has mainly drowned unskilled employees and semiskilled employees in Nepal.

Amidst the pandemic, people faced severe mental health crises because of losing jobs, shutting down businesses, and the other financial burdens. After the lockdown was announced, Nepalis migrant workers were forced to return to their own country, causing a terrible loss in employment and remittances which is the biggest source of national income.

Analyzing the current situation of the coronavirus spread rate in Nepal and the invention of the vaccine, it could be believed that our livelihood will be turning into new normal, finding new job opportunities, and businesses will be operating businesses without any interruption.